Thursday 15 June 2017


Hey everyone!

Just letting you know where you can find me now:

I'm going to leave this blog here, but won't be updating it or checking in on it. So if you want to get in touch, check out my other sites and social accounts! 

See you elsewhere on the internet!
Victoria :)

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Stay Strong Fight Back

Hello Potterheads!

Now this post has nothing at all to do with Harry Potter but I want to share it with you anyway...

Instead of studying for my history exam that is in a day, I spent the day having a youtube sesh and watching Emma Blackery and danisnotonfire videos, which I've already seen several times.

However, I just started watching the videos on Emma's side channel and this is one of them. In the video, Emma talks about how she was bullied and how she wished her 13 year old self had been told 'Stay Strong, Fight Back' which is now her motto.

It's a really great video where she inspires [not really the word I'm after but it will do] her subscribers to not let the bullies get you down.

I thought it would be something that you, or anyone, would get something out of because everyone has been bullied at some point in their lives...

I'll be posting again in two days!

Mischief Managed
Victoria /(|)\

Monday 21 October 2013

Get On Board The Tumblr Train!


How is life treating you all?

I have just finished my fourth exam - maths, and let me tell you how relieved I am. I no longer have to remember how to differentiate, integrates, simultaneously solve equations, find the side/angel of a triangle using trigonometry, finding the coordinates of random graphs. I. Am. Done!

Anyway, moving on. My next exam is history extension and I actually can't wait. I really love history so don't find it a bore or hard - obviously why I chose the extension class. The case study we covered in class was JFK. Now I'm guessing those of you in America would find this topic boring, it would be part of the history you learn all throughout school, and to be honest, I thought it wouldn't be that interesting in the beginning since I wanted to do the Elizabeth I topic. However, I found it really interesting and enjoyable and I am surprised at how much of the topic I remember, especially the weird and quirky bits.

But this is not why I bought you here.

I recently got tumblr (again) and thought I would let you know who I was in the tumblrsphere so you can go follow me! I'll even follow you back if you comment your name below!

So go on. Follow me! NOW!

I'll be blogging and reblogging Harry Potter, Glee, Misfits, Hunger Games, Charmed, Friends, Neighbours, StarKid and so much more. So head on over to tumblr and follow my account!

I think I have rambled enough for today. I will post in the next few days!

Let me leave you with some photos and gifs :)

Mischief Managed 
Victoria /(|)\

P.S. Last night I finished listening to the audiobooks. Its just like reading the books again...I feel empty and don't know what to do now... [cue reread and relisten!]

P.P.S. Don't forget to vote in the poll I have going on - Which is your favourite BOOK? You have 22 more days! :)

442nd Quidditch World Cup...


How has everyone been? Good!

Time to get back to my collection since the last few posts have been other Potter-related stuff.

Did you know that in Goblet of Fire, the Prop Department designed full programs and maps for the movie, just in case it was seen in the shot... Talk about dedication and attention to detail!

In the Harry Potter Film Wizardry and Harry Potter Page to Screen books, props are brought to life and this is how these images have made their way online (I do not own either of these books but would really love to). While searching deviantART, I came across the poster for 442nd Quidditch World Cup. After searching further, I found the programme on the HP wiki page and saved them. I then placed them on a word document to make sure they were all the same size, printed them off and glued/stapled them together.

Once printed, to put it together, you stick the checked pages on the back of the cover and the other pages on the back of the centre pages (they are not like this in the document but I'm sure if you wanted to you could modify the images before printing). I found it good to stick the pages back-to-back because it made the final product sturdier. If you printed it back-to-back properly, I suggest you use card stock to add quality to the final product.

The images are of high quality and you can read everything written in the programme. Download my document here or go to the wiki.

Another important prop from the World Cup is the map. This map was also on the wiki but is off a lesser quality - but still extremely good for something you can make yourself. I'm not sure what is on the back of the map but I added the poster that is similar to the front of the programme. Again, instead of printing back-to-back I glued them together, making it nice and sturdy (like the programme use card stock for back-to-back printing). The poster was found on deviantART and she has added her profile signature to the poster so you can check her out. She has some other amazing Potter art.

This document is also available to download. If you find a higher-quality map please let me know!

That's all for now! Hope everyone is still enjoying Potter even though the books are finished and so are the movies... At least we will get to enjoy Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them when it is finally released!

Mischief Managed
Victoria /(|)\

P.S. You can now download the Prequel document, just go back to that post and click the link!

Sunday 20 October 2013

Wrock On! - Oliver Boyd & The Remembralls

Helloooo Potterheads!

How is life treating you all?

I hope you all know what Wrock is, because that is what I will be discussing today.

For those of you who are under-educated, Wrock is Wizard Rock, the creation of Joe and Paul DeGeorge, better known as the Harry and the Potters.

There are hundreds of Wrock bands out there, some well-known and some not. I am yet to discover most of the genre, however I love what I have discovered so far.

Favourite Wrockers:

  • Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
  • Harry and the Potters
  • Draco and the Malfoys
  • The Ministry of Magic
  • The Remus Lupins
I will now briefly go each Wrock artist.

Oliver Boyd & the Remembralls
While the name sounds like a group, there is only one artist behind the genius that is Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls - Christain Calderia. Two albums have, three EPs and three singles have been released. However, another three EPs are meant to be released, with only a couple of songs released on each.
[*** denotes my favourite songs]
Welcome To Wizard Rock (2006)
1.         Chapter One: So It Begins [Physical Copy Only]
2.       We Are The DA***
3.      Get On the Bus
4.       Dumbledores Song***
5.       Trio In Trouble
6.       Hermiones Song (You & Me)
7.      Mischief Managed***
8.      Oh Ginny!
9.       The Boy Who Lived***
10.     Hogsmead Hop
11.       End Of An Era***
12.     Requiem Of A Love Misguided [Hidden Track]

Back For The Fight (2007)
1.         Train To Nowhere***
2.       Draco, Come On
3.      Grab My Wand, I Dare You
4.       Bridge To The Other Side***
5.       Happy Christmas Day
6.       You Dont Know Jack (About Magic)
7.      The Hallows***
8.      Back For The Fight
9.       Lupins Tale (Where Are We Going)
10.     One Last Summer***
11.       End Of An Era [Acoustic]
12.     Last Call [Hidden Track]***

Open At The Close [EP Single] (2007)
1.         Open At The Close***
2.       Last Call
Hogwats: Stories From Within The Walls
The Slytherin EP (2008)
1.         Till Death
2.       Flight Of The Prince***
3.      Spells And Scares
4.       Dont Make It Hard
5.       Without You

Bare Bones Vol. 1 (2009)
1.         Flash, Bang, Done [Acoustic]***
2.       Train To Nowhere [Acoustic]
3.      Just A Hufflepuff [Acoustic]
4.       Flight Of The Prince [Acoustic]
5.       Lupins Tale [Acoustic]
6.       There By My Side***
7.      In Your Shadow***

The Ravenclaw EP (2009)
1.         Whoa is Me

The Hufflepuff EP (2009)
1.         Give It Up
2.       Just A Hufflepuff***

Bare Bones, Vol. 2 (2010)
1.         Necessity (Ill Be Alright) [Acoustic]
2.       Bridge To The Other Side [Acoustic]
3.      Spells And scars [Acoustic]
4.       Oh Ginny! [Acoustic]
5.       Mischief Managed [Acoustic]

The Gryffindor EP (2010)
1.         Necessity (Ill Be Alright)***
2.       The Meaning of Lonely
3.      Hunt You Down

Hunt You Down  [EP Single] (2010)
1.         Hunt You Down

End Of An Era [EP Single] (2011)
1.         End Of An Era [Revisited]
2.       End Of An Era [Acoustic]
3.      End Of An Era [2006]
4.       Last Call

Three Christmas songs have also been released on the Jingle Spells albums:
1. Happy Christmas Day - Jingle Spells 1
2. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear - Jingle Spells 2 
3. Cold, Wild Yonder - Jingle Spells 4***
[I will post about these later]

Next Wrock On! post - Harry And The Potters

Hope you find these posts informative and you can get some new great music :)

Mischief Managed
Victoria /(|)\

P.S. Feel free to message me if you have trouble finding these songs - I have all but the first and last on Welcome To Wizard Rock [they seem to be nowhere online] and will be happy to let you know where to find them and if you are only after one or two songs, I will be happy to send them your way. Just use the contact box and I will get back to you as soon as possible! :)

Friday 18 October 2013

Exams Are Hard/Annoying...

Hiya Potterheads!

As I have mentioned, I am currently sitting my N.E.W.Ts equivalent exams and like the name N.E.W.Ts suggest, they are Nastily Exhausting. Even though I have a good few days between each exam, it doesn't make them any easier to study for and write in.

I have already sat three of my seven exams - two English and one Ancient History. I still have Mathematics, History Extension, Food Technology and Biology to do which is a whole 11 hours (3 hours per exam except for History Extension which is only 2).

I also already have a pile of sheets and books to burn/recycle/sell/return to school.

I can't wait until the 4th of November which is when my Biology exam is. It is an early exam, starting at 9:25am and finishing at 12:30pm. After that, I am free to do whatever I want. The first thing I am going to do, a part from sleep for about a week, is have a full-blown Harry Potter marathon. That is, I am, hopefully, going to watch all eight Harry Potter movies in one go - that is around 16 hours of Potter heaven and joy.

This isn't the only thing I want to do once exams/school are over. I want to finish my Fan Fic, which I haven't written in about a year. I also want to complete the trunk for my cousin (and for myself since I am making more than one of objects), read/finish about 10 different books (The Casual Vacancy, The Fault of Our Stars, The Cuckoos Calling, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Fallen series, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series, The Other Boleyn Girl, ttyl series, Just A Girl... just to name a few!). And so many other things that I can finally do with my free time!

Well, that's about all for now. I'll be back in a few days to tell you more about my Potter Obsessed life :)

Mischief Managed
Victoria /(|)\

Equality FTW!

Yo Potterheads!

How is everyone?

Just writing to show you what I received in the mail today - a postcard from the HPA.

What is the HPA? Let me enlighten you...

The Harry Potter Alliance (HPA) uses parallels from Harry Potter to inspire hundreds of thousands of Harry Potter fans to act as heroes in our world. The HPA has sent five cargo planes to Haiti, donated over 88,000 books across the world, and has made signi!cant contributions to the anti-genocide, LGBTQ equality, environmental, and media reform movements. Currently the organization is in discussion with the CEO of Warner Bros. to make all Harry Potter chocolate Fair Trade.

The HPA has a staff of over 60 volunteers, more than 85 chapters, and a network that reaches well over one million people. With social media as its turf, in 2010, it won the $250,000 first place prize in the Chase Bank Community Challenge. It has received media coverage from almost every major publication in the United States and many throughout the world.

By joining the HPA, you become a member of the real life D.A. and S.P.E.W. [Society for the Promotion of Equality Winning].

Recently, the HPA conducted their Equality FTW! 2013 fundraiser, which aimed to raise $100,000. Thanks to thousands of supporters, they managed to nearly double that amount, raising $184,738!

By donating, you not only helped a worthy cause in the name of Potter, but you could also choose a 'perk' which you could receive. The amount which you donated depended on what perk you could choose. Perks ranged from a Wrock album, to Alex Day signed Twilight pages, to signed Chris Colfer books, to signed Harry Potter books and then all the way up to Leaky Con tickets.

For $25, you become a member of the HPA Apparating Library (see video to learn more) and could enter in the draw to win one of seven signed Harry Potter books - that is what I chose. I was not expecting to receive anything for my generosity except for an email receipt. How wrong was I?

Today I received a S.P.E.W. [which would of looked weird to the postie] postcard from Hermione:

I have already filled out my entry for the signed Harry Potter book, I will let you know how I go...

The Equality FTW! 2013 fundraiser may be over, but you can still donate. Head over to their website and donate, or you can buy an item from their shop - I plan to buy a HPA shirt in the near future.

You can also get involved by volunteering and joining a 'chapter'. A chapter is a group of HPA members that organise and run campaigns in their local communities, usually addressing local issues. You can find your nearest chapter here or, if you have a bunch of Potter friends who support social changes towards equality, go here to start your own chapter!

I hope you all consider supporting the HPA. It's a worthy cause that every Potter should contribute to!

Mischief Managed
Victoria /(|)\

P.S. Let me know if you donated in the Equality FTW! 2013 campaign and which perk you may have chosen. Also let me know if you join your local chapter or start your own!